Yes yes people! This being my first ever blog ever like, I thought Id just enclose a likkel link to my soundcloud profile so you can have a listen to some of the tracks Ive been working on in various projects recently. Also since joining soundcloud I've totally neglected myspace for the archaic piece of spam ridden cunt that it is, and wanna try and get every music maker and enthusiast to join soundcloud too, cos it really is the shit!!!
You can stick any audio format you want on it which is great, plus it shows all your tracks in wave form too which is dope for all the geeks like myself. You can stick all sorts of other options on a track and make it available for download or to buy or whatever, and theres no glitchiness or shit that pisses you off either, its real easy to use! so what are you waiting for, follow the link, create a profile, follow me and start uploading your joints so I can ave a butchers etc.
Peas the fuck out!!!
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